Development guidelines ====================== Coding Guidelines ----------------- `PEP8 `_ checking should pass for all Climate code. You may check it using the following command: .. sourcecode:: console tox -e pep8 .. Also you should keep your code clear using more code style checkings via `pylint `_: .. sourcecode:: console tox -e pylint .. If you see any pep8/pylint errors in your code, it's mandatory to fix them before sending your change on review. Testing Guidelines ------------------ Climate repositories have unit tests that are run on all submitted code, and it is recommended for developers to execute them themselves to catch regressions early. Developers are also expected to keep the test suite up-to-date with any submitted code changes. Unit tests might be ran in `TOX `_ environment via commands: .. sourcecode:: console tox -e py27 tox -e py26 .. for Python 2.7 and Python 2.6 accordingly. Documentation Guidelines ------------------------ Currently Climate docs are partially written on `OpenStack wiki `_ pages, and partially using Sphinx / RST located in the main repo in *doc* directory. In future all of them will be moved to Sphinx / RST (now these docs cannot be published on, because there is already existing *climate* project created on it. Now Climate ATCs are voting to choose new name for Climate project and then all docs will be moved to new readthedocs project). To build Sphinx / RST docs locally run the following command: .. sourcecode:: console tox -e docs .. After it you can access generated docs in *doc/build/* directory, for example, main page - *doc/build/html/index.html*.